A magnificent yet simple story || Acharya Prashant, on Upanishads (2022)

2024-09-29 0

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Video Information: 11.07.22


श्वेतकेतुर्हारुणेयः पञ्चालाना समितिमेयाय त ह प्रवाहणो जैवलिरुवाच कुमारानु त्वाऽशिषत्पितेत्यनु हि भगव इति ॥

Once Svetaketu, the grandson of Aruna, came to the assembly of the Panchalas. Pravahana, the son of Jivala, enquired of him, 'My boy, has your father instructed you?' 'He has indeed, revered sir' Chandogya Upanishad 5.3.1

वेत्थ यदितोऽधि प्रजाः प्रयन्तीति न भगव इति वेत्थ यथा पुनरावर्तन्त इति न भगव इति पत्रोर्देवयानस्य पितृयाणस्य च व्यावर्तना ३ इति न भगव इति

Do you know where created beings go above from here?" No. revered sir. "Do you know the place of parting of the two paths- the path of the gods and the path of the fathers?" "No, revered sir'
Chandogya Upanishad 5.3.2

कथ यथासी लोकी न संपूर्णत ३ इति न भगव इति वेत्थ पत्रा पञ्चम्यामागुतावाः पुरुषवर भवन्तीति नैव भगत इति।

'Do you know why the other world is not filled up?' "No, indeed, revered sir' Do you know how, at the fifth oblation, the liquid oblations (or unseen results of action) come to be designated as man?" "No, indeed, revered sir'
Chandogya Upanishad 5.3.3

अथानु किमनुशिष्ठोऽवोचथा यो हीमानि न विद्यात्कथ सोऽनुशिष्टो ब्रुवीतेति स हाऽऽ ।
यस्तः पितुरर्धमेयाय त होवाचाऽननुशिष्य वाव किल मा भगवानब्रवीदनु त्वाऽशिषमिति॥

Then why did you say, "I have been instructed"? because, how can he who does not know these things say, "I have been instructed"?" He was distressed and came to his father's place and said to him, 'Revered Sir, without having instructed me properly you said, "I have instructed you".
Chandogya Upanishad 5.3.4

पञ्च मा राजन्यबन्धुः प्रश्नानप्राक्षीत्तेषां नैकंचनाशकं विवक्तुमिति स होवाच यथा मा त्वं तदैतानवदो यथाहमेषां नैकंचन वेद यद्यहमिमानवेदिष्यं कथं ते नावक्ष्यमिति ॥

That nominal Kshatriya asked me five questions, and I was not able to answer even one of them'. The father said, 'Even as you have spoken to me about them, so do I not know even one of them. If I had known them, why should I not have told you?
Chandogya Upanishad 5.3.5

स ह गौतमो राज्ञोऽर्थमेयाय तस्मै ह प्राप्तायाहाँचकार स ह प्रातः सभाग उदेयाय त होवाच मानुषस्य भगवन्गौतम वित्तस्य वरं वृणीथा इति स होवाच तवैव राजन्मानुषं वित्तं यामेव कुमारस्यान्ते वाचमभाषथास्तामेव मे ब्रूहीति स ह कृच्छ्री बभूव ॥

Then Gautama went to the king's place. When he arrived, the king made reverential offerings to him. In the morning he presented himself to the king when he was in the assembly.
Chandogya Upanishad 5.3.6

तह चिरं करीत्याज्ञापयांचकार त होवाच यथा मा त्वं गौतमावदो पचेयं न प्राक्त्वतः पुरा दिए ब्राहाणान्यच्छति तस्मादु सर्वेषु लोकेषु क्षत्रस्व प्रशासनमभूदिति तस्मै होचाच

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